
American Society of Addiciton Medicine

The ASAM Diversity Travel Scholarship

Awards & Scholarships

The ASAM Diversity Travel Scholarship

The ASAM Diversity Travel Scholarship is designed to promote inclusivity within the field of addiction medicine by supporting individuals from underrepresented groups in medicine. This scholarship aims to raise awareness of career opportunities in addiction medicine, helping to diversify the addiction medicine workforce. As part of the scholarship, recipients receive complimentary registration to attend ASAM's Annual Conference.

Application period will reopen on August 1, 2025

2025 Diversity Travel Scholarship Recipients

Mohit Chhatpar

Mohit Chhatpar, MD

Evonemo Esievoadje

Evonemo Esievoadje, MD

Sara Gabere

Sara Gabere, MD

Sand Mastrangelo

Sand Mastrangelo, MD

Ahmed Nahian

Ahmed Nahian,
B.S./Medical Student

Henrique Oliva

Henrique Oliva, MD, PhD

Amanda Perez

Amanda Perez, MD

Thanh Phan

Thanh Phan , MD

Adriana Rush

Adriana Rush,
MS/Medical Student

Uyonne Ugwuoke

Uyonne Ugwuoke, MD

Travel Award Package Includes:

  • A stipend of $2,000 to support travel expenses.
  • Complimentary registration for the ASAM Annual Conference.
  • An exclusive invitation to attend the ASAM Scholarship Breakfast Meetings during the conference.
  • The opportunity to participate in the ASAM Mentorship Program, facilitating connections with established addiction medicine professionals in the field.
  • Opportunity for professional growth and networking with renowned leaders of ASAM