
American Society of Addiciton Medicine

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The ASAM Criteria

Frequently Asked Questions

View our most frequently asked questions on The ASAM Criteria

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Fourth Edition Release and Changes

When was the ASAM Criteria, Fourth Edition Adults volume released?
What additional volumes will be released?
Are adolescent criteria included in the Fourth Edition?
What should I do while waiting for the Adolescent Volume?
When does the Fourth Edition go into effect?
How were the separate withdrawal management levels incorporated into the main continuum of care?
What happened to readiness to change? Is it removed in the Fourth Edition?
What is the risk rating system? How has the Dimensional Admission Criteria changed in the Fourth Edition?
What are the expectations for co-occurring capability in the Fourth Edition?
Has Partial Hospitalization (PHP) been eliminated?
How do you define the difference between inpatient and residential?

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ASAM Criteria Training and Resources

When will an updated Assessment Interview Guide be available for the Fourth Edition?
Is there ASAM training on the Fourth Edition available?
Are there any resources I can use to train my staff on the changes in the Fourth Edition?
How do I receive permission to train on The ASAM Criteria?
I have an idea for a resource that would be beneficial to clinicians/patients/states/payers. Where should I send it?

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ASAM Criteria Copyright, Fair Use, and Licensing

What is covered under ASAM鈥檚 fair use policy?
How do I obtain permission to use The ASAM Criteria?

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ASAM Criteria General

What is The ASAM Criteria?
What types of professionals can complete a Level of Care Assessment?
How often should the patient be reassessed?
Is there an adolescent assessment tool?
Why is it important that The ASAM Criteria be implemented comprehensively?
What else is ASAM doing to support the effective implementation of The ASAM Criteria?

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